Hi, i’m glad you’re here. Let me introduce myself. I am the “Ortolan” a Klipper of 32 meters length and 6 meters width. I was built in 1897, in Sliedrecht near Rotterdam. I’ve been sailing all my life over the beautiful Lake IJssel and over the breath-taking beautiful Wadden Sea, because that’s what I’m made for. Together with Roman, Rocki and Remus I show nice people the most beautiful places in the Netherlands. Do you come sailing with us?
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Een unieke belevenis!
Our two-masted Clipper Ortolan is a sailingvessel that offers you several possibilities. A day, a weekend a week or longer: with the Ortolan you decide the duration and the course.
Invite your employees on a weekend on the Ortolan and make your company outing an active and yet relaxing day. Perfect for societies and clubs to learn to work together on board and becoming a team, and surely THE vaccation for family and friends to come closer together and enjoy quality time . The ship is suitable for a wide range of possibilitys. Do you have something to celebrate? The Ortolan is a unique ship that takes you to unique locations.

Come on Board!
For Multi-day trips, the Ortolan can accommodate up to 32 people, who can stay on board.
We did put together several attractive Weekend packages for your trip to the netherlands
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ased on the opinion of 30 peoples” link=”https://www.facebook.com/pg/klipperortolan/reviews/?ref=page_internal” link_text=”Read all experiences” link_image=”” scheme=”inherit” id=”” class=”” css=”]